In-depth Benchmark for all market players.
Whether you’re a charging platform user (CPO, eMSP etc.) or a SaaS vendor, we have you covered. Our benchmark report assesses your platform’s strengths and weaknesses, while our experts provide an honest evaluation of its maturity and market positioning. The insights you gain will provide the clarity needed to make well-informed decisions regarding your future needs and strategic direction.
Charging Platform Users
Look no further
We offer a valuable benchmark report that provides a detailed assessment of over 50 functional capabilities. Our comprehensive benchmarking service caters to all players in the EV charging market, including CPOs, eMSPs, fleets, OEMs, and utility providers. Our final report highlights both the strengths and weaknesses of your existing platform, empowering you to make well-informed decisions for your future endeavours.
Expert support every step of the way
Depending on your specific needs, our expert team will provide you with support in assessing the strengths and weaknesses of your current EV charging system. Leveraging our in-depth benchmark evaluation, we offer a detailed analysis to ensure a thorough understanding of your platform’s performance. This approach allows us to identify areas for improvement and help you make informed decisions for optimizing your future strategy.
Charging Platform Vendors
Look no further
Our team of experts is here to provide the support you need.
Expert support every step of the way
Depending on your specific needs, our expert team will provide you with support in assessing the strengths and weaknesses of your EV charging system. Leveraging our in-depth benchmark evaluation, we offer a detailed analysis to ensure a thorough understanding of your platform’s performance. This approach allows us to identify areas for improvement and help you make informed decisions for optimizing your future strategy.